This website is managed by The Scientific Consulting Group, Inc. under contract to the US Environmental Protection Agency (Contract No. EP-D-14-001). The website was originally developed by the Advertising Council as part of the National Childhood Media Campaign under cooperative agreements with EPA (GX-82820301; XA-83326201). This website provides visitor-friendly content with prevention tips and resources to support personal asthma management practices. Use of this website is voluntary. It is not intended to replace medical care and recommendations are strictly suggestive and do not obligate a person to take a particular action. Talk to your doctor if you have asthma or suspect that your child has asthma.
Studies show that an estimated 70% of smoke from chimneys can actually reenter your home and your neighbor’s home. If you’re using a wood stove or fireplace and smell smoke in your home, it probably isn’t working as it should. Contact a certified chimney sweep for help. www.epa.gov/burnwise |